Seeking a new editor/editors for the Guild's annual magazine The Companion
The Guild is seeking an Editor or Co-Editors for the 2019 edition of our annual magazine, The Companion, to be published in the spring of 2020. Would you like to be involved?

In recent years, the Guild’s annual magazine has grown in scale and ambition, under the editorship of first Stuart Eagles and then Sara Atwood. Stuart took what had begun as a newsletter and turned it into a significant journal of record and reflection, including both accounts of Guild events and reviews of books and exhibitions on Ruskinian themes. Sara built on the model Stuart had invented, assisting him with his last issue. She edited last year’s issue on her own, developing Stuart’s approach and taking on a new designer, Companion Jodie Southwood, who added some extra aesthetic polish to the presentation. Unfortunately, given her busy schedule and other commitments, Sara has decided to step down from this role and the Guild is looking for a new person (or people) to edit the special Bicentenary edition of the magazine.
This commemorative issue is to be compiled through the remainder of 2019 and published in the spring of 2020. Its primary readership is the Guild’s almost 300 Companions; it will also be available for anyone to read via the Guild’s website.
This edition of the magazine will be a record of and reflection on the Guild’s and its Companions’ projects, events and work throughout the Ruskin Bicentenary year. We anticipate a slightly reduced pagination from previous years.
The editor will be responsible for:
Commissioning, collating, copy-writing and editing of the magazine, together with supervision of its production, alongside the editorial committee. This wide-ranging role includes:
- Agreeing format, content and range of contributors with an editorial committee, and keeping them updated at regular intervals;
- Creating a production schedule with email contacts and actions ;
- Sending out briefs to writers, including word count, deadline and image options;
- Supplementing content as needed, from information provided;
- Requesting or sourcing high definition photographs as needed;
- Liaising with the designer (to be chosen with the editorial committee) on design and layout, and ensuring accurate proof-reading of each draft;
- Sourcing a printer with the editorial committee’s support, and organising printing of 400 copies with the designer, to an agreed fixed publishing timetable.
The Guild office is responsible for the mailing of the magazine to Companions.
Who are we looking for?
We would be delighted if a Companion (or Companions) would be interested in taking on this role, or contributing to this editorial process, on behalf of the Guild.
Essential to the editor role is an enthusiasm and sympathy for the Guild’s work, an interest in the Ruskin Bicentenary year and a desire to report and reflect clearly on Guild and Companion activity for the benefit of all readers. Meticulous attention to detail is also required, such is the variety of contributors and topics, to ensure the magazine’s contents are edited and presented appropriately.
It will be helpful if you have:
- a passion for the written word and a strong feel for what works editorially;
- an understanding of magazine publishing processes;
- experience of working collaboratively, gathering many different voices;
- impeccable editorial and proofreading skills, with a good eye for detail and excellent grammar;
- edited or developed a print title on any scale before;
- worked with an editorial board or advisory group.
There are limited Guild funds to remunerate an editorial post, and this can be discussed after we have received expressions of interest, but involvement in the magazine would necessarily also be a labour of love and an act of service to the Guild. This is an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the Guild in a landmark year and for your work to enter the Guild archive as a record of the Ruskin Bicentenary.
If you would like to become involved, either as Editor or in another capacity (e.g. Co-editor, editorial committee, proof-reader or designer) please write to Simon Seligman, Membership and Communications Officer, at no later than 31st May 2019, indicating your interest, the level of involvement you could offer and your relevant experience. You are also welcome to discuss it informally with Clive Wilmer, Rachel Dickinson or Simon Seligman at any point.