Learning to see with Ruskin, with Kateri Ewing
15th June 2024

An ongoing series of drawing experiences with Companion Kateri Ewing
3.30 - 5pm (UK time) on Saturday 15th June, via zoom.
John Ruskin passionately believed in teaching ourselves how to draw so that we could learn how to truly see. When we truly see the world around us, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and our hearts engage in a brand new way. Join me, Kateri Ewing, via zoom, for ninety minutes of philosophy of seeing and drawing and some real-time practice. I have never met anyone who could not draw a small object from nature, beautifully, after following my simple instructions, even those who have never drawn before. All you need are a sharp HB (No.2) pencil, an eraser, and some paper, and a small natural object that you can hold in the palm of your hand: a leaf, a stone (not too shiny or dark), a flower, an acorn, a small twig with some moss on it, a seed pod, a walnut…a feather…etc. It is much preferable to draw from life as Ruskin did, but if you cannot find an object you can use the reference image found HERE. Let’s spend some lovely time together following in Ruskin’s footsteps, pencil in hand, eyes ever searching for the beauty and marking it down.
Kateri Ewing
Cost: Free to Companions of the Guild, or a donation of $20/£15 to the Guild of St. George for all others.
TO RESERVE A PLACE, PLEASE EMAIL THE GUILD via communications@guildofstgeorge.org.uk
THE ZOOM LINK IS HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88451941156