VAN AKIN BURD (1914-2015)
Professor Jim Spates tribute
Listen to Companion Prof Jim Spates paying his warm tribute to his friend and fellow Ruskin scholar, Companion Van Akin Burd, who sadly died in 2015. You will even be able to hear a clip of Van himself.
With thanks to Mike Salts and the Friends of Ruskin's Brantwood for permission to make this lecture available online.
(NB. In order to listen to the lecture, your browser will take you to a third-party site called Clyp.)
The Guild's 100th birthday tribute
Download the Guild's 100th birthday tribute to Van taken from The Companion Magazine.

Van in the Navy
Jim Spates' obituary of Van Akin
Read Jim Spates' touching obituary of Van Akin Burd

VAN AKIN BURD (1914-2015)