Matthew Briggs

How would you define yourself?

Researcher, lecturer, educator and craftsperson

Matthew Briggs

Please describe yourself and your areas of interest.

I have worked as a craft practitioner, educator and researcher for over 16 years at Ruskin Mill Trust. My current role involves researching, mentoring and lecturing on Practical Skills Therapeutic Education and craft pedagogy, via a range of courses and programs and advise projects and provisions seeking to implement, improve and research within these fields. My areas of interest meet in the intersection between craft, education, environment and human development, from which I find Ruskin's principals invaluable. I have recently discussed this more widely in the chapter on ‘Craft’ in the book ‘Ruskin Today, John Ruskin for the 21st Century’ (2023:83). I direct the ‘Pedagogical potential of craftwork course’ for Ruskin Mill Centre for Practice (RMCP) and serve as senior lecturer and researcher on the Masters in Practical Skills Therapeutic Education, whilst also undertaking doctoral research around the theme of craft pedagogy with Sheffield Hallam University and the Field Centre, UK.

Why did you become a Companion of the Guild?

I hope by increasing the understanding of Ruskin’s ideals and principals through research and embodied practice, we may inspire people to take up the impulses which Ruskin and I hold so dear. I have certainly been inspired by these personally and professionally and hope to ignite and encourage the same for future generations.

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